
Baywatch Nights is the Greatest Goddamn Thing Known To Man

A Love Letter to a Show

I've never really watched Baywatch-- I have to imagine that a show that catapulted the careers of Pamela Anderson, David Hasselhoff, and Carmen Electra would be fairly vapid.

However, I recently discovered Baywatch Nights, and I think Mr. Hasselhoff might be a genius.

The premise: Mitch from Baywatch teams up with a detective (Angie Harmon, who unfortunately does NOT appear in-character as Detective Rizzoli) and fight crime. Supernatural crime.

Have you ever wanted to see a random lifeguard fight Vikings in a Las Angeles lab? Stop a voodoo priest? Exorcise demons? Travel back in time to an old-west brothel and stop a serial killer in a time loop? Enter some strange combination of Existenz and Dungeons and Dragons because someone got confused? Yes, of course you have. You'd have to be a freakin' weirdo not to dream about these things daily.

Luckily, all of the above scenarios are episode plots of this show.

God bless the Hoff 9000.