
Anything wrong with the server?

Lichess don't consider all tournaments anymore..

The winter marathon was only taken into account for a few players, the others didn't get any points for it in the tournaments option on their respective home page, and today several tournaments were basically not taken into account in this option, which must be a program error, because they were always taken into account before. For example, the 325th Indonesia Chess Festival was not taken into account, so you cannot read about it under the Tournaments option, and unlike before, additional points were not given...

Picture one, you see the tournament is over, ...

inthein Picture two you see, it was not taken into account on the personal welcome page, the corresponding points are missing..into

Another problem is in Tournaments, that for exemple in Liga Games

If a draw is rated 0 points, if two people agreed on a draw or if the move was repeated 3 times, there are no points for the team, although they are taken into account in the personal rating, so it is completely incomprehensible..

Wintermarathon >> You have to keep in mind here, the players played there for up to 20+ hours, so it's not very pleasant if they don't get points in their personal rating for it..

If I look at older tournaments, the marathons were always mentioned in the personal tournament list, and personal tournament points were also added up, but recently this doesn't happen more and more often, because it's interesting to look up if you look at the tournament page , then something is missing now..

The bans in the chats are also becoming more and more illogical and wrong, so you no longer feel like writing anything at all, because bans are issued there that are often completely wrong.. you notice that there are no people evaluating, In my opinion, this must be an artificial intelligence, because what is decided there is inhumane, and therefore the results of blocking someone are very often fundamentally wrong...

this makes the chat unattractive and secretly no longer worth looking at, also there Political propaganda is carried out, in which topics that are pleasant to politics are celebrated, instead of how it would be right to remain politically neutral.
