
Chess 960 / Fischer Random versus Placement Chess poll

Dear Chess 960 players and other Lichess enthusiasts, i have a (for now theoretical) question:

If we would replace Chess 960 (alias Fischer Random) with Placement Chess [1] here on Lichess, would you agree or would you disagree with that?

* If you agree, please upvote this post
* If you disagree and want to keep just Fischer random, please downvote the post.
* If you would prefer to have both, give me a horsey.
* If you would like to have neither one, give me a 'thinking'.
* If you dont care, give me a 'laughing'
* If you just want to express your Love for Lichess, give me a 'heart' :-)


[1] Placement chess, originally called 'Pre-Chess' by its inventor Pál Benkő: The game starts with white and black pawns set as usual, but the initial position of other pieces is selected by the players. White first places one of his pieces on his first rank, and then black does the same. Players continue to alternate in this manner until all pieces have been placed, with the only restriction being that bishops must be on opposite-colour squares. The game then proceeds in the usual way. If the king gets placed between the rooks then castling is still possible and it is done like in Chess 960. There are 8.294.400 (2880 x 2880) possible start positions in Placement Chess, compared to 960 in Fischer Random. Like Fischer Random, Placement Chess is a strict superset of Chess.
I really like placement chess, but i like Fischer Random too. Lichess could have both of them
Sorry, didn't see the horsey before. Never thought I'd like variants, but Chess960 is like my new addiction.

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