
Suggestion - Multiple Premoves

It will be helpful in 15sec games, which I believe will appear here soon!)
This feature, though, should be very well-thought, because it's very difficult to make it comfortable.
For example, you make one premove, and then you want to cancel it and make another. If you just will make another move, as we do now, it will create the second premove, and all the line will be broken. So, there should be some special keys.
2: for the second premove, 3: for the third. Then, what if you would like to cancel your second premove? Maybe, you again press "2", and input another move.
What if you want to cancel all premoves after the first, but leave the first? Maybe, you would press "2" and delete, which will cancel everything after the first premove.
The question is, will it be comfortable to have so much options, and will it be easy to manipulate all these keys during fast 1/2 game?
I personally think, it will be very useful after some training. So, you will need a few days to master this new skill.
I think, it worth it's implementing.
Also, would be nice, to have it implemented together with ¼+0 time control.

I think just clicking on any square on the board to cancel premove would be good enough, like lichess has now. If you made three premoves and after the opponent's first reply you want to cancel the 3rd one, just click on any square and the board.
The disadvantage : It will cancel all the next premoves at once, even if you want to cancel just the last one or two, this is a problem, but I think this is the best compromise.
I constantly berserk and flag people but I don't like that idea.
I mean sure if you train for it you will be faster but it's too much bloat and complexity for just a silly bullet game.

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