
IMMORTAL 7 avg Centipawn Lost in a 960 blitz game!!

You give free stuff and he takes it? What's immortal about it :P. And 0 inaccuracies doesn't mean he played best moves especially when he was way ahead in material (when practically any move is okay). Inaccuracy is losing 0.4 pawn, so if you make a couple of such moves(0.3 pawn loss for example), you can easily lose the game in the end.
DVRazor try to find a better 3:0 chess 960 performance on the planet. I have even scoured the best titled games on the site, nobody performed better than samettysam in that game!! 7 avg centipawn lost!! Nakamura doesnt even have that in 960 in classical controls!
If you give away a lot of material, your opponent will automatically get a low average centipawn loss. I mean come on, the game lasted for 10 moves, then a sequence of blunders follow, we get -10 which is the floor of the evaluation. Mathematically the average centipawn loss is lowered a lot.
Wow Motion!! You had 2 centipawn lost that game! Do you know what that means. That means literally you played every single move that game, as good or better than magnus carlsen would have. (He could not have improved upon your moves because you literally played perfect), even though there were millions if not billions of paths to victory, you found the #1 best line in a billion.
thank you man, but most players can do that.
Wow forget about my friends game... Motion played a game with 2 centipawn average lost. With millions of variations all leading to victory throughout multiple parts of the game, this guy found the perfect top #1 move every turn.... Not once did he make the 2nd best move Out of 40 possible moves, turn after turn, you picked #1. Whether it looked conservative or complex. You allowed your opponent early queen development and checks, but according to stockfish, that was the PERFECT thing to do. among every other perfect decision you made that game.
No Motion, the chance of someone playing a 20 move game and getting 2 centipawn lost is about 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000. Notice how even the best titled players on the site rarely find their games below 12. Nakamura cant even do 5 in a slow classical game Yet you pulled out 2....... hmmmmmmmm

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