
Golden Method to Increase Online Rating in Chess

Cool Blog, but I feel that this is just one more way to go amongst many.
Doing what you suggest in the "Golden Tip" even seems a bit dangerous to me, regarding personalities like mine that can easily get addicted to things even without any promised reward, if I'd add rewards to this I'd probably end where I've begun - and I worked hard to get away from there, where I was just struggling with my numbers and could not deal with any losses.

Losses... This is also a thing that I don't agree about, I see you point though. Especially beginners have a hard time to motivate themself for a few games, yes, BUT people who tend to get tilted should not play on just bacause they are ought to play 4 more games. Because this just leads them deeper into the tilt, they lose even more rating and maybe won't easily recover from this and have an even harder time when the play next time.

However, I can agree that it is helpful, to set up a good mindset before starting the game, that's definitely a thing.


PS: happy birthday!