
Connected board whith bot api. How create a public game?

Hello @bichopebitou for information I have a first working version of my board the code is in micropython is the esp32 + a part in python on my server. The server part do the connection to lichess api + send list of valid move (use python-chess) to the board at each turn. The board only dispaly computer move + read user move and verify validity (bip OK/bip error) before send to server. For the moment my code is not clean (I need refactor it). After I can publish it on github if you want.

But still problem for really use it: I can from the board send a challenge to a bot. But can't find real player. Even for use lichess ai computer I don't know how create the challenge from the api so need a device connected on board(bot) account for start a match agains lichess computer.

Somebody know if the bot api can create a challenge agaist ai level1-8?
je viens de comprendre pirBoard et le bot-échiquier de pir43
et aChessboARDuino et le mien bichopebitou

j'utilise pour l'instant un programme exe qui simule un moteur pour lichess-bot mais qui récupère en fait les coups de mon échiquier. c'est vraiment pas top comme solution, il faudrait que j'arrive a utiliser directement l'api (mais mon prog principal n'est pas en python j'utilise .net actuellement)

je continue mes devs (vivement les vacances)


I'm currently writing a UCI interface for the CERTABO physical boards. It still needs some polish and debugging, bot works fine so far ( I also think that a separate API user class ("physical board") would make sense. Users than have the choice. If someone opts to play against an opponent with physical board, they're aware that there is higher risk of cheating (due to lack of client side cheat prevention mechanism).

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