
What is the percentage of cheaters in Lichess ? Please give informed opinion

In hourly tournaments 5 minutes most players are cheaters based on my experience. In more important tournaments cheating goes down (daily and above).
Your experience is called "sore losing". Please don't
Quite rare. I've run daily team tournaments for over 3 years straight and I've been impressed by the level of recurring integrity. Yes, some come through and are caught...

My thoughts on the other server, being in the public eye and attracting a greater proportion of trolls, having both free AND paid accounts playing together, are that it's obvious they would have a greater percentage of fair play violators.
If, and it's a big if, my nearly 5k membership team roster over 3 years could be checked for closed accounts and TOS violators, it might even give a proper percentage overall.
I have to tell that it depends on the rating level. I am above 2000 and there people doesn't cheat much I think. They have invested enough time in the game to find beauty in all aspects of it, not just winning. I would say once every two months I suspect someone and get rating correction. And I play tens of games a day.
But at level 1400 ... Should be much more.
Also, check the time control. On blitz is almost impossible. It happens mainly in rapid. And I believe not coincidentally 1400 would be the level where people just learned the square names and don't love the game enough, so they cheat.
@sdanot said in #1:
> In hourly tournaments 5 minutes most players are cheaters based on my experience. In more important tournaments cheating goes down (daily and above).

lol. you're the guy who didn't even manage to turn on sf before publicly claiming that a puzzle was wrong? and then not only demanding a refund, but even more because you're so smart? oh yes indeed, you are:

i'm very sorry, but i don't think i will trust your "informed" opinion on pretty much anything.
Unless you are an experienced 'chess analyst' I won't give your talk even a cent!

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