
Womens sports

I was always fond of the uneven parallel bars in womens gymnastics.
It's such a perfect blend of skill,timing and precision.
Strange,I post this and it pops up on YouTube.
Is there a data sharing arrangement between lichess and YouTube?
Btw,this isn't the first time I've seen this.
Maybe it's just a Google thing.
Remember...... They're watching you.

Lol, anyway........
Floor exercises are pretty good
But I never did get the ribbon thing.

Philistine I guess.
Cool,read it, agree.
I guess it's just a glitch in the matrix.
Happens sometimes.
Anyway,back to the topic I opened

Any favorite women's sports?
Jackie Joyner-Kersee and Flo-Jo were darn good in track and field.
With the way things are going, where biological men can masquerade as women, there won't be any womens sport worth watching in a few years.

I should make the most of it while you can watching actual women winning in women sports where actual women are the only participants.

Women need to take a stand against this before its too late and just refuse to compete against biological men!
@BorisOspasky said in #7:
> With the way things are going, where biological men can masquerade as women, there won't be any womens sport worth watching in a few years.

They already changed that I think?

It's strange the world didn't just pick the solution to the trans stuff that Thailand came up with like many decades ago.

In Thailand there is a thing with ladyboys. So it's men behaving like women. It's totally unrelated to the west thing.

Some of the ladyboys do muay thai, thaiboxing. And the ladyboys just compete with the men and everybody is happy about that. Because quite obviously, you can't put a ladyboy against a woman in thaiboxing, it would literally be dangerous for the woman.

It's strange to me that Thailand just dealt with the trans thing easily long ago - but nobody knows it, nobody gives a shit about checking out how other places have dealt with the problem, and nobody is like, hey let's just do the thing that we can see works.
@Raspberry_yoghurt A lot of sports are kicking and screaming because they want to resist an open category which would solve any issues. In strength sports, or any sport where men would have an obvious advantage over women, men should not be allowed to compete against women. Cycling, swimming, boxing, weightlifting etc etc.

NZ womans weightlifting is a great example of a bloke who's a failed mens weightlifter, gets to compete against women and is then lauded for their achievements. Utterly laughable.

If Muai thai bans men competing against women, good for them. Its a no brainer really.

Quite how anyone thinks that a girl or woman, who has dedicated herself and trained to be the best at her sport and then loses out to a man, (biological male for avoidance of doubt), is acceptable in any way, is beyond me and any rational thought.

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