
Check your speed of reaction.
1. Click on the grey field for start.
2. Click as fast as you can, when the filed becomes black.
3. Write your number here.

Try to do it a few times to get better result.
I have been training for several days and my best result (without random lucky times, such as 5 ms) was 175ms in average.
There is a grey field. Click on it to start, then click when it becomes black, then click for a next attempt. After 10 or more times you will see your average rate.
which of the shattered numbers does count?
There are several secrets, how to get better result:
1. Exhale before an attempt, but not fully, and hold the breath.
2. Make a pause after every attempt.
3. Start your concentration (and the 1st item) a second before clicking for an attempt, so you will be prepared for unexpected fast signals.
4. Don't strain your body.
5. Strain your mind.
6. Keep your finger bended and learn to give some pressure on the mouse button for more fast reaction, but don't click accidentally.

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