
I'd like to join a serious Team that has a concept of playing classical games.

Hi shangrila-Shambhala,

Thank you for joining as first member in this new team for playing classical chess games without any engines, etc.
It is open for everyone, beginner or experienced (Who maybe can teach us a thing or two).
Let's hope it bring some good enjoying chess games out of it for all of us.

The team explanation is as follows:
True Classical Correspondence Chess without the use of any Engines, Books, Tools, Tables, etc.
Just you brainstorming your next move(s) against your opponent move(s).
During a active game you are making every decision and move by yourself using your own Neural Network system you developed, and still developing, inside your head.
You will NOT use any opening books, engines, software, cheat sheets, tables, etc. to assist you in any way during any started or running game.
NO cyborg and centaurs players and/or tools is allowed.
It is like playing OTB but on a distance of each other.
By joining you promise to adhere to the above mentioned "rules" and "way of playing chess" against another member within the group.
Above all have fun, meet and learn the game of chess using 100% brain power.
Many players like to play classical chess but lack time due to work and other important things in life. But playing against cyborg and centaurs players is not for us.
If interested we can build leagues or organize tournaments to further develop this way of playing chess the classical way.
Location: In your head.
No problem, @shangrila-Shambhala
Enjoy your time at @danniego team.
If anyone else in this thread is looking for a like-minded team which includes a team competition that consists of Group Stages, a Knockout Phase and 3rd/4th play-off final, then concludes with a Finals Match to decide the winner, then click on my name and then the additional link shown.
@Danniego Actually I play blitz but so many people adviced me to play longer time controls because I have hardly improved with my playings. I look forward for the good times with you. Thanks for having me in your team.

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