
Lichess and Russian Aggreesion

@sausage4mash said in #59:
> Hey @ThePushingPawn, on seeing our reply . Gotta say, it's like watching a kitten play with a laser pointer. Quite endearing, really.
> Now, on to the meat of the matter, the whole "I'm a 10-year-old, it's GPT-4, so ignore it" thing. Let me break it down for you, Chuckles. your argument holds about as much water as a colander.
> Doesn't matter if the truth was delivered by a one-eyed, brain-damaged parrot or a sentient AI or a 10yr old . If your ideas have been busted, well, they've been busted! So maybe pick up the pieces and make a mosaic, because that's all that's left, buddy. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

Well, the fact remains that you cannot expect an AI to understand human issues. That's why diplomats and lawyers aren't being replaced by AI, while McDonald's waiters and yours are already losing numbers.

Have you considered high school education? It does wonders bud. So pick up the shards of your water-holding colander and maybe do a bit of thinking instead of doing the mindless gorging on propaganda you specialize in.
@ThePushingPawn said in #71:
> Well, the fact remains that you cannot expect an AI to understand human issues. That's why diplomats and lawyers aren't being replaced by AI, while McDonald's waiters and yours are already losing numbers.
> Have you considered high school education? It does wonders bud. So pick up the shards of your water-holding colander and maybe do a bit of thinking instead of doing the mindless gorging on propaganda you specialize in.

ok i think maybe you're hard of thinking , I will put it like i'm writing to a 5yr old :

let's imagine you and your friends are playing a game of hide and seek. Now, imagine that your little brother, who is only 3 years old, sees where one of your friends is hiding and tells you about it. Even though your little brother is younger and may not be as good at the game, the important thing is the information he gave you about where your friend is hiding, not who said it.

So, in life, it's like that too. It doesn't matter if the person who's talking is younger, older, a teacher, a student, a scientist, or a baker. What's important is what they are saying. If it's true and helpful, that's what really counts. Just like your little brother telling you where your friend is hiding.
@sausage4mash said in #72:
> ok i think maybe you're hard of thinking , I will put it like i'm writing to a 5yr old :
> let's imagine you and your friends are playing a game of hide and seek. Now, imagine that your little brother, who is only 3 years old, sees where one of your friends is hiding and tells you about it. Even though your little brother is younger and may not be as good at the game, the important thing is the information he gave you about where your friend is hiding, not who said it.
> So, in life, it's like that too. It doesn't matter if the person who's talking is younger, older, a teacher, a student, a scientist, or a baker. What's important is what they are saying. If it's true and helpful, that's what really counts. Just like your little brother telling you where your friend is hiding.

ok i think maybe you're hard of thinking , I will put it like i'm writing to a 5yr old :

let's imagine, little one, that an ogre visits a human king. The ogre, who has absolutely no knowledge about human ways of thinking, tries to convey his ogre way of perceiving to the king about the king's way of running his kingdom.

So, in life, it's like that too. It doesn't matter if the person who's talking is an ogre, an AI, or you. If someone isn't human or, in the case of you, isn't intelligent to pass as one, they can never understand or be able to emulate human thinking/
@sausage4mash said in #70:
> Many individuals on Lichess appear to defend authoritarian regimes such as the Russian kleptocracy, demonstrating anti-American sentiment. Despite its flaws, America is a fully operational democracy, where politicians serve the people and are held accountable. It gives the impression that this site either opposes Western democracy, or it is overrun with paid trolls and contrarian 'edge lords'. I am inclined to believe it's the latter.

You are missing something here:

When the US is attacked for tis violent foreign policy and its oligarchy, it does not actually justify the violence of other states or other oligarchies... It is meant to take away the perceived authority & mandate of the USA and NATO countries.

It can still be up in the air whether or not the Russian invasion is correct, but then the USA intervenes on the behalf of the Ukrainians, you know they are just going to be a CIA vassal... And there's something profoundly ugly about the American Empire signing off on having hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians die in a conflict over the Donbass just to waste Russian resources and try to achieve a geopolitical posture they want (not even a 'goal' per se).
@Decaffeinated said in #74:
> You are missing something here:
> When the US is attacked for tis violent foreign policy and its oligarchy, it does not actually justify the violence of other states or other oligarchies... It is meant to take away the perceived authority & mandate of the USA and NATO countries.
> It can still be up in the air whether or not the Russian invasion is correct, but then the USA intervenes on the behalf of the Ukrainians, you know they are just going to be a CIA vassal... And there's something profoundly ugly about the American Empire signing off on having hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians die in a conflict over the Donbass just to waste Russian resources and try to achieve a geopolitical posture they want (not even a 'goal' per se).

It can still be up in the air whether or not the Russian invasion is correct ?! did you say that

the following countries have openly supported Russia's invasion of Ukraine:

North Korea

the following countries have not openly openly supported Russia's invasion of Ukraine:

@sausage4mash said in #75:
> It can still be up in the air whether or not the Russian invasion is correct ?! did you say that
> the following countries have openly supported Russia's invasion of Ukraine:
> Belarus
> Nicaragua
> North Korea
> Syria
> Eritrea
> Mali
> the following countries have not openly openly supported Russia's invasion of Ukraine:
You forgot the people who abstained . Who abstains wants no war. Who wants no war doesn’t want weapons sent to Ukraine.
@I_invented_google said in #76:
> Who wants no war doesn’t want weapons sent to Ukraine.
How do you suggest Ukraine to defend itself from russian aggression and genocide and liberate its land without weapon in this case?
@sausage4mash said in #75:
> It can still be up in the air whether or not the Russian invasion is correct ?! did you say that

He did. And as every respectable russian he came in the topic about russian aggression to remind us about USA. I told you, we need such reminders every day.
@sausage4mash said in #75:
> It can still be up in the air whether or not the Russian invasion is correct ?! did you say that
> the following countries have openly supported Russia's invasion of Ukraine:
> Belarus
> Nicaragua
> North Korea
> Syria
> Eritrea
> Mali
> the following countries have not openly openly supported Russia's invasion of Ukraine:

India, another very respectable country, is neutral on this, which is what I think more people should consider being.

I think the history of what has happened here is very complicated:

- 2014 presidential coup / Maidan / Revolution of dignity
- Riots and fighting between Ukrainians and Russians, including the famous Odessa trade consulate fiasco
- Measures meant to 'de-Russianize' the Ukraine
- Huge swathes of Russian speakers and ethnic Russians that all supported the ousted former President are fed up; Crimea secedes, so does the Donbass
- 8, 9 years of civil war which leaves over ten thousand dead in the Donbass
- US / Ukraine growing closer with the idea that the Ukraine will become a militarized zone meant to close in on Russia....

... And then Russia makes the decision to invade.

This is a very complicated situation.

It is possible to have positions like:

- Maybe the Donbass needed to have a free, fair election with international monitoring to determine its status (even if it is a violation of the standing Ukrainian constitution which requires the whole nation to vote on the secession of a region)
- Since the Minsk II Protocols were violated and never honored by the Ukrainians, the Russians very rightly perceived the arming of Ukraine as an existential threat, and it would justify a special military operation, but not a permanent occupation of any parts ___outside the Donbass___.
- War and invasions are always wrong, and so there is an opposition not only to the Russian invasion, but also to everything that led up to it, so the goal is peace, and the way to get there must now be through resolving the war immediately and holding local elections to determine the status of occupied areas (which seems to now be impossible due to Russia and Ukraine both being unwilling to leave their claims up to the determination of any other force)

What is so terrible about this is that there are people who refuse to let you take a nuanced position on this... That is beacuse they know the button to push:

@Decaffeinated said in #79:
> India, another very respectable country, is neutral on this, which is what I think more people should consider being.
> I think the history of what has happened here is very complicated:
> - 2014 presidential coup / Maidan / Revolution of dignity
> - Riots and fighting between Ukrainians and Russians, including the famous Odessa trade consulate fiasco
> - Measures meant to 'de-Russianize' the Ukraine
> - Huge swathes of Russian speakers and ethnic Russians that all supported the ousted former President are fed up; Crimea secedes, so does the Donbass
> - 8, 9 years of civil war which leaves over ten thousand dead in the Donbass
> - US / Ukraine growing closer with the idea that the Ukraine will become a militarized zone meant to close in on Russia....
> ... And then Russia makes the decision to invade.
> This is a very complicated situation.
> It is possible to have positions like:
> - Maybe the Donbass needed to have a free, fair election with international monitoring to determine its status (even if it is a violation of the standing Ukrainian constitution which requires the whole nation to vote on the secession of a region)
> - Since the Minsk II Protocols were violated and never honored by the Ukrainians, the Russians very rightly perceived the arming of Ukraine as an existential threat, and it would justify a special military operation, but not a permanent occupation of any parts ___outside the Donbass___.
> - War and invasions are always wrong, and so there is an opposition not only to the Russian invasion, but also to everything that led up to it, so the goal is peace, and the way to get there must now be through resolving the war immediately and holding local elections to determine the status of occupied areas (which seems to now be impossible due to Russia and Ukraine both being unwilling to leave their claims up to the determination of any other force)
> What is so terrible about this is that there are people who refuse to let you take a nuanced position on this... That is beacuse they know the button to push:

"US / Ukraine growing closer with the idea that the Ukraine will become a militarized zone meant to close in on Russia."

Nato is a defence agreement set up primarily to counter Russian expansionism, Ukraine probably would not of joined NATO just to keep the peace ,but obviously Putin's war has changed all of that.

So why are you spouting Russian propaganda points,the country is now a fascist state ? it's a bit distasteful mate

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