
is easy draw with stockfish 8

Give any player enough time and put them against a cpu and a draw is possible.

It would've been more impressive had you slowly gone for a positonal win and ultimately won the game.
It's possible to increase the maximum search depth Stockfish is allowed to search at...

Separately, I'm integrating syzygybases with Stockfish although I doubt that would have helped in this case since there are too many pieces and pawns on the board.

Would you like to respond me some questions?

Firstly. Have you used any kind of engine to play against Stockfish?
Sencondly. If you have used an engine; why? is my question.

I think Stockfish -on Lichess- is programmed to play very solid and, in fact, does not play at its maximum strength; if not, I cannot explain how you -or others players- drew it.

#3 #5 These accusations aren't constructive. I believe that azuaga earned the draw without outside assistance.
I do not use or have used a chess engine.
@Dr-Zaitzevhace ,¿usted ha jugado contra stockfish? suele cambiar piezas con mucha frecuencia y eso hace que llegues a un final igualado y con pocas piezas en no muchos movimiento.
Congratulations!!! I remember playing with Fritz and draw by repetition in 13 moves because the engine didn't want to give any decimal of advantage even knowing that I was human!! jaja and other game against another strong software I won because I changed a move and his opening repertory was always the same, so it's very possible to win, if the software was at his maximum level (over 3000) then would be almost impossible but possible!!!
",¿usted ha jugado contra stockfish? suele cambiar piezas con mucha frecuencia y eso hace que llegues a un final igualado y con pocas piezas en no muchos movimiento." [Azuaga]

Jugar al Stockfish de Lichess, no. He jugado al Stockfish de varias plataformas y, es imposible hacerle incluso tablas.

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