
Lichess and Russian Aggreesion

@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #20:
> My own country is currently preparing if Russia is going to blow up underseas cables and gas pipelines so on.

Yes, I personally watched your preparations and decided to show it to everyone. Let everyone know how you intimidated civilians in Moscow.
Again just not even related to the topic... Outdated video... NATO is an alliance not a country... NATO is also for countries who want to be backed by the corrupt USA Government.
> For example, there is an alternative version of the Russian flag with the red stripe replaced with a second white. This version of the flag is used by the Russian minority who disagree with the Putin (aka Hujlo) regime. Same for the Belarus, there is an alternative Belarus flag (red and white) used by the opposition.

Just so that you know, Lichess added alternative flags for both Belarus and Russia to express disappointment towards last Presidential elections in Belarus and war in Ukraine. They were requested by a number of users.
You can find them in your profile at the bottom of the flags window.
I'm going to make some points that might be controversial here (just a disclaimer)

It's quite hypocritical to censor the Russian flag. Ukraine supporters might say that Russia is suppressing Ukraine's identity but aren't you doing the same thing when censoring the flag of Russia? Just a reminder, Russia remains its own country whoever the leader is. The flag doesn't represent the ruler; it merely represents the people.

I would also like to point out the heavy hand the U.S has had in spreading propaganda and demonizing Russia. Most medias decide to focus on the atrocities committed by Russians (I'm not denying the terrible and unforgivable things some of them have done) and not by the Ukrainians. Where humans go problems and corruption inevitably follow. The winner gets to write history.

It is clear that the US and many of the other pro-Ukrainian countries are supporting Ukraine as a way of dealing a blow to China, one of the US' clear rivals. Russia and China have been long-standing allies (although Russia collapsed after transitioning from the USSR to Russia, where Russia turned to the US' political system), and the US cannot bear to see themselves not being the big boy on the block. Does the US really care about Ukraine? If so, why then did the US not help Ukraine before the war? The US has been very hypocritical about wanting to spread "democracy." The US has invaded a staggering 84 countries and has been militarily involved with 191 out of the total 193. Where is the US' moral high ground now?

Please note that I am not in any way pro-Putin nor am I agreeing with the war in Ukraine. I am just trying to show some reason amongst the brainwashed people who mindlessly take what the biased media tells them.
They know what they are doing, they know that the Russian flag represents the people, that is who they are attacking.

They want to destroy the Russian people, if it were just about the government or President Putin then they wouldn't do all those ridiculous things like banning Russian art and poetry and books and music (most of them made before President Putin was even born) and they wouldn't attack and vandalize the homes and businesses of Russian expats, and they hate all Russian people and want to genocide them
@ThePushingPawn said in #24:
> I'm going to make some points that might be controversial here (just a disclaimer)
> It's quite hypocritical to censor the Russian flag. Ukraine supporters might say that Russia is suppressing Ukraine's identity but aren't you doing the same thing when censoring the flag of Russia?

Oh yes, not havng a flag on liches is totally as suppressing as having missile rain down over residential areas all over the country. You're so right, it's totally the same thing.

> I would also like to point out the heavy hand the U.S has had in spreading propaganda and demonizing Russia. Most medias decide to focus on the atrocities committed by Russians (I'm not denying the terrible and unforgivable things some of them have done) and not by the Ukrainians. Where humans go problems and corruption inevitably follow. The winner gets to write history.

What do you mean? Many people just watch straight from Ukraine what is happening through social media.

I got a lot of my info from just talking to people in Ukraine over the internet.

And there's millions of Ukrainians in Europe now.

Maybe in USA it's like a media thing, but in Europe it's a reality thing.

> It is clear that the US and many of the other pro-Ukrainian countries are supporting Ukraine as a way of dealing a blow to China, one of the US' clear rivals. Russia and China have been long-standing allies (although Russia collapsed after transitioning from the USSR to Russia, where Russia turned to the US' political system), and the US cannot bear to see themselves not being the big boy on the block. Does the US really care about Ukraine?

>If so, why then did the US not help Ukraine before the war?

They did. Many countries have been helping Ukraine since 2014, so for 8 years. Including USA that did a lot.

That's the reason Ukraine was able to not be overrun. Becaus NATO-countries have helped them be stronger so they can defend themselves.

> Please note that I am not in any way pro-Putin nor am I agreeing with the war in Ukraine. I am just trying to show some reason amongst the brainwashed people who mindlessly take what the biased media tells them.

You're just repeating Putin's propaganda faithfully without in any way being pro-Putin lol.
@kanYE24 said in #25:
> They know what they are doing, they know that the Russian flag represents the people, that is who they are attacking.
> They want to destroy the Russian people, if it were just about the government or President Putin then they wouldn't do all those ridiculous things like banning Russian art and poetry and books and music (most of them made before President Putin was even born) and they wouldn't attack and vandalize the homes and businesses of Russian expats, and they hate all Russian people and want to genocide them

Russia is the country attacking. If they want peace, then they can just go back to their own country and also quit firing missiles into Ukraine. It's really easy actually! Russians could be home in like 2 days if they just got in their cars and left.
@PTX187 said in #21:
> Yes, I personally watched your preparations and decided to show it to everyone. Let everyone know how you intimidated civilians in Moscow.

I was right about what I wrote and many countries are threatened. Not just Denmark off course, the baltic countries Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia are getting threatened all the time by Russia. Russia is bothering also Sweden, threatening Moldova and what else.

So you wanted to deflect from that with a silly video. It's tactics people use in internet debates when they know they are wrong but still want to post something.
Well, isn't Ukraine doing the same bombing in Russia with their supply of weapons given to them by an alliance of 31 countries? Suppression is suppression.

What I mean is that all the media is deciding to focus on Russian-committed atrocities. Yes, they should be condemned to the fullest extent, but isn't seeing everything more logical?

How can you be sure they are Ukrainian? Anyone can fly the flag and gallivant around saying that they're from Ukraine.

So the US and other countries helped Ukraine. You know, Putin's intent to invade Ukraine has been around for quite a long time. At the same time Ukraine has been receiving aid for almost a decade. Coincidence? I think not.

I also love how you just gloss right over how the US invaded more than 80 countries at one time or another and has been militarily involved with ~98% of all countries.

The US and other countries are busy trying to contain other growing powers, but look at their own problems. We should be trying to solve collective issues together as humanity. Not b****ing over who is dominant.

Finally, you're just repeating the West's propaganda.
@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #28:
> I was right about what I wrote and many countries are threatened. Not just Denmark off course, the baltic countries Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia are getting threatened all the time by Russia. Russia is bothering also Sweden, threatening Moldova and what else.
> So you wanted to deflect from that with a silly video. It's tactics people use in internet debates when they know they are wrong but still want to post something.

The US has threatened 83 countries. Compare that to the 6 you mentioned. 83 vs. 6. You see a difference there? I do.

So you wanted to deflect from that will a silly argument. It's tactics people use in internet debates (although in your case I would consider it bickering) when they know they are wrong but still want to post something to defend ideas they don't truly understand.

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