
Suggestions: bookmark favorite games, analysis table, quick opponent profile.

Hi I prepared 3 images of some Lichess features:

1) Now there is no a material difference on analysis table. The image apears it how would it look.

2) I suggest to make a markbook button on every watching game in LIchessTV and beside the analysis table (have a look images).

3) It would be more interesting to see a quick opponent profile with him motto on gamelist in real time. Also the same feature to see own current rating.




Thanks for an answer.
On 1: that's good placement and it's an acceptable tradeoff between showing material difference and the smaller size of the move list. However, there should be alternate CSS for people who have turned off material difference, which should make the move list larger.

On 2: that's not where I would put it (it is inconsistent with the current placement) but I like the idea.

On 3: I actually don't agree with this one. It causes a user interface problem called 'hover and cover', which can be very frustrating. In other words, the player card popup would cover up other stuff on the list, and it would take too long for it to disappear.

Which leads me to the second problem: this can take up to a second to load. The way people interact with computers means that they will wait for this to load and have a quick glance at it, and then move their mouse away to make it disappear. By that time, the player will be gone. So it will, unconsciously, lead to a worse user experience. That's why I cannot agree with that implementation.

As for putting it on your name on the top right, it's not good because it would clash with the fact it's a drop-down menu and make it kind of unnatural (drop down menus with 2 actions are just odd).
Hi Hellball
1) I'm glad that you accept my idea. Let's do it :).

2) If you put the markbook button too close the chassboard it wouldn't look good. I think so. But thank you for support of this idea.

3) Propably you have right, but I feel it's something missing on the listgame. I'd like to know more about my opponent before I start playing.

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