
Find the rule

yes.. written into the library co, O.K.?
Jeff-the killer - wrong rule
c_O - it needs to be three numbers that is separated
reredeg - wrong rule
Just to give a hint:105 205 305 also follows my rule
I'll take over from here. Now u have to follow my rule. 2+2=5!
New test examples:
a) 0,5,10
b) 205,305,405
c) 205,105,305
d) 305,205,105
e) 104,204,304
f) 1005,1105,1205
g) 120,7620,-1270
h) 10280,82310,84210
i) 7120,70,0
j) 120,230,-11080
reredeg-wrong rule
Cat-b,c,d,e,f,g,I,j follow my rule

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