
Is LiChess being blocked in China?

Hi LiChess, I represent a group of users in Nanning, China. Since Monday morning, China time, the site seems to be not working / loading on mobile devices and on PCs using regular wifi networks but not using a VPN. We have been getting Pings of 1200-3000 and loading the page for 1 second, then disconnecting. We use a variety of devices and browsers to connect so we know it isn't specific to our devices but to connections themselves. I had to use a VPN to connect and write you this message.

I also ran a check on the website at and Lichess seems to be ok there.

Have you made any changes to your site in the last two days, or can we assume that this is a 'China issue'?
I can also confirm users in Guangzhou and Shenzhen also have this problem. Please help if you can.
This issue seems to have resolved itself by Wednesday morning. Disappointed no one replied to this considering you lost all your traffic from China for two days.
I apologize that I haven't seen a Lichess response to this. Thanks for the detailed error report.

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