
#Day 1 theme LPDO

Show me your best examples of (Loose pieces drop off) LPDO in your games and I will add them to this study called LPDO (Tactics). They can ether be from your own games or a GM game (Any game or even composed for that matter). The point of this is to create multiple examples of one kind of tactic each day. I will post a study once every couple of days with a new theme and at the end we should have several examples of different tactics. Solutions will be added later to the page. For now though I will give you time to solve them as you wish so I disabled the engine and opening book. Repetition is what teaches you tactics. That is why I am doing it by theme.

Thanks everyone and have fun. Happy learning!
Bump bump. Want more input!! I got a PM from one person for puzzles.
@Manglecopter Interesting position winning a rook here in your game

r4qr1/kpp4p/p3Q3/8/3R4/8/PPPN1PPP/R5K1 b - - 0 20 Fits the theme well!
@ujcn You are correct sir
although 4.Bd3 is already an inaccuracy exactly due to what happened in the game, so in london versus KID the lightsquare bishop is better on e2

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