
Wrong result !

Dear Sirs,

Yesterday I participated in Swiss Team Battle (
In Round 3 my opponent offered a draw, which I accepted. Here is the game:
However, the server considered this game as LOST by me.
Consequently, this had an impact on all the remaining games (pairings), as well as on my final result.

I would be grateful if you could explain what had happened, and where I made a mistake.

Igor Kupalov
Well, you had had a draw before. It is just a Lichess rule that you get no tournament points for the second draw in a row unless the game was longer than 30 moves which this one was not. Why not make 2 more moves before accepting draw?
And: What about reading the rules before whining the forums?
@sybotes It's awesome that you could come and provide such a clear and concise answer to help this user out. It sucks however that you had to void the good deed with your snarky comment. If you're not going to be nice with your responses it's probably best you just don't comment at all. He even handled his response with grace, but it's not the welcoming environment that people want to see.
Ok, then I apologize. You are probably right.
But indeed, the first thing I would do: find where the award system in tournaments is explained. And if I find out I am too stupid to understand what is written there or if I do not find anything at all - then I ask.
But you are right, @JunkWorkAcct - if I can help him, why not in a way that he is fully satisfied AND feels treated nice.
because in the second draw after the first draw, if 30 moves have not been passed, it is considered zero points.
@Sybotes "And if I find out I am too stupid to understand what is written" clearly you took the advice to heart.

Looking at the forums it seem's that's the tone of all the messages your answer with.

I'll just end the conversation here and send off a report. Again, users should not be met with that attitude and all you're doing is discouraging people from asking questions that you don't even have to answer. It's supposed to be a welcoming environment where people are treated with respect. Have a good day.
The draw streak rule is unusual and contrary to common practice in chess.

Wry remarks and reports of a poster who answers a question do not contribute to a wellcoming environment and discourage people to answer any questions at all. The poster even apologised.
@tpr the poster responded by calling the original poster stupid. You're welcome to look at his username which shows other comments he's made, it's my opinion that this isn't a one off case and that he's doing this to many different users and will continue to do so, hence the report. The issue is over now as there's no point having discourse with someone when they've shown this pattern and no propensity to change. If he doesn't answer the question someone else will, and they'll do it without calling him stupid.

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