
Lichess Bans Keyboard

@Ultrabulletbeast1000 said in #80:
> Point is kb is open source, anyone can use, doesn't cost anything.
so basically if u don't like kb, then use it?

but then you would become someone you hate...
@bibbymove RE:#70

"2) the very nature of holding shift and randomly moving your mouse around to win a game at the end in a drawn endgame even if down 10 seconds"

I'm sorry how do you get to the endgame in less than 5 seconds but fail to convert to a draw up 10 seconds?
@MaximF42 said in #66:
> Is using a touchscreen seen the same way as keyboarding is? However it is, cheating or not, unfair or not....
ik this is something not everyone can use but it isn't any kind of extension. also, i still lose a lot
<Comment deleted by user>
KB isnt fair cuz avg 1800-1900 ubs cant win with 2200-2300 most of the time is bcoz 80% 2200-2300 ubs use kb
The biggest problem with kb is that it can be used as an instant random move generator. The extension itself does actually check for legal moves, which allows it to only send the move to the server when a legal move is randomly chosen. You could argue that this already breaks the existing rules by providing assistance.
@Assios said in #89:
> The biggest problem with kb is that it can be used as an instant random move generator. The extension itself does actually check for legal moves, which allows it to only send the move to the server when a legal move is randomly chosen. You could argue that this already breaks the existing rules by providing assistance.


- the same thing could be said about mouse. If you try out different premoves with mouse, only one will get played. That's the same thing as keyboard, just slower. It's like the difference between watching a video at 60 FPS and 1 FPS. The second one will not look like a video, but its fundamentally the same.
- Its literally not random moves, every move is a decision made, its not like I choose a set of possible moves and the computer picks a random legal one. What move exactly is played depends on the circumstances, like with mouse. Keyboard has no RNG that picks a move for you, you can look at the code to verify that.
- If you make an illegal move with mouse, it will also be cancelled. That doesn't mean the lichess board decides a move for you. Like with keyboard: Every move will be discarded until you make a legal move.
- Idk what you mean by instant, because its still possible to do an illegal premove with keyboard. It happens a lot, and this is usually how timescrambles with keyboard end. Look at the endposition of this game: Both rooks cover 5/8 possible squares for the king, which means if black circles his cursor, there is a 5/8 chance the move will not be instant

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