
Search "user:Patrizsche"

463 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - The new tournament overlay while spectating is not good#5

@nk1406 of course it's a bug and the devs are aware of it and it'll be fixed. This was not the intended behavior on mobile, so no it's not like an ad.

Lichess Feedback - Is Lichess shutting down?#2

it's always the folks with bad internet connections that uncover problems with lichess

Lichess Feedback - Broadcast game on mobile site: can't flip board#3

@schlawg No problem, the layout on desktop is REALLY nice, I was watching the stream and the games in the same window at work, I switched to mobile to take the bus :)

Lichess Feedback - Broadcast game on mobile site: can't flip board#1

New stream link on broadcast game on mobile seemingly blocks the hamburger menu where you can flip board and turn on engine and etc.

Lichess Feedback - Didn't receive any points for Rated game i won#3

Are you really asking for points when you barely escaped with a draw and your opponent had mate in 1 lol

Lichess Feedback - Eval Bar#4

damn, why so thin

Lichess Feedback - UI bug with in game chat#3

this sounds like a Chrome "problem", not a lichess problem... that said, that's not a problem, that's intended behavior. As #2 said, just touch elsewhere. (this is true on lichess and any other site w…

Lichess Feedback - My profile says I was on TV, but I didn't#12

You probably were on TV for one of the variants (which are much less popular and therefore the highest rated game at some random time could be at your level, you don't know)

Lichess Feedback - Losing time when network cuts off#43

All this coming from someone who has the quote "Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet." directly in their profile

Lichess Feedback - Broadcast pages#2

same here, HUGE improvements!
