
Search "user:apostolis1"

120 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - make board smaller#2

From the FAQ: "Use the handle on the bottom-right of the board to resize the board to your favourite dimensions." Basically there is a handle at the h1 square which you can drag to adapt the board siz…

Game analysis - Shaking things up against the French with 2.Ke2!?#12

@Professor74 Yes seems logical to mix it up in that kind of a game, playing for fun probably and not on official events or anything like that, just some "relaxing" bullet and blitz

Game analysis - Shaking things up against the French with 2.Ke2!?#9

@grondilu 2.Ke2 is probably a terrible move. You lose the right to castle, you block your bishop and queen, waste time, expose your king etc. The fact that Hikaru played 2.Ke2 doesn't mean that the mo…

General Chess Discussion - I want to download games from a specific player. It is possible?#2

If you are interested in downloading your own games, you can do that through your profile, there is a download button above your bio (next to the lichess tv icon). As far as downloading games from oth…

General Chess Discussion - Can't get out of that zone#2

In general try to focus on not blundering obvious stuff like pieces or simple double threats. Once you think you have "mastered" that (everyone blunders from time to time, just try to avoid it most of…

General Chess Discussion - Sudden form drop#9

I think what @tpr said is the most important thing: balance. You can't improve if you just play and don't study, but you can't improve if you only study without applying what you are learning. It is a…

Game analysis - Good setup against white's f4-d4-e3 (reverse stonewall)#5

Yes sometimes it is quite tricky to avoid all the transpositions that may occur. This is why it is good to have a repertoire which deals with most of white's setups after 1.d4 in a similiar structure,…

Game analysis - Analysis of my lost game#6

Well it seemed to me that you just weren't patient enough. When you decided to break through with the pawns, your knights were on b1 and h2. They didn't contribute at the attack and you had no clear t…

Game analysis - how to analysis?#3

@will_is_myth As @asdf5656 already said, if you want to analyse a game with the engine you can do so by the "request computer analysis" button. There are also many great analysis tools in,…

Game analysis - Good setup against white's f4-d4-e3 (reverse stonewall)#3

@Zathoichi The strong points of this reverse stonewall for white are the knights jumping on e5 and the control of the black squares, as well as a powerfull bisop on d3. An interesting system is to try…
