
Search "user:sakram07"

100 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Curiosity#34

For the same reason anything is important. People are very Curious. Why did we send a rocket to the moon? Why did we make so many expensive experiments regarding physics and chemistry? Why did we inve…

General Chess Discussion - Curiosity#32

Answer to #27. I do not PARTICULARRY care about this. I would not be against sticking them together, as science is usually not good enough to tell if something is happening for cultural or for genetic…

General Chess Discussion - Curiosity#29

#28 I hate people like you the most. Not anything personal, I just do not like people with low IQ. People who can't understand what others are saying, but still try to and end up understanding it tota…

General Chess Discussion - Curiosity#20

#19 Well, I am done saying "on average". Someone will not understand it anyways.

General Chess Discussion - Curiosity#18

#17 Let's not get any further from the actual topic. Especially then it comes to links between races.

General Chess Discussion - Curiosity#16

#15 Completly agree with you. That guy uses no arguments, does not give any links to prove his view, nothing! Again, he just says "ITS RACIST U STUPID, I KNOW MY MUM SAID SO". I think the reason why t…

General Chess Discussion - Curiosity#13

#10 I would report you, but mods in lichess do nothing, so I won't. And this is not racist. This is being logical and using statistics, rather then "My mom told this is racist, so I can not say it". T…

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General Chess Discussion - Curiosity#8

#7 No, I did not misunderstand. He clearly stated it's BOTH - genetics and culture. And I completly agree.

General Chess Discussion - Puolimas ir Gynyba---kas dažniau #4

You do not make sense (likely your google translator).
