
Search "user:cherrylandcafe"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Gah. A stray mouse click. Resigns. Oops.#1

Come on, why aren't there fail-safes for accidental clicks, like "Are you sure you want to resign?" and "Are you sure you want to offer a draw?".

Lichess Feedback - Pre-chess variant?#3

Chess960 ensures an equal playing field at move one, and the players can fish it up then rather than at move 0. 960 is the future of chess, but if someone volunteers to implement "prechess", OK.

Lichess Feedback - Chess 960 : 1st move time more than 15 seconds#7

I agree with this whole-heartedly. 960 at stupid kiddie time controls makes zero sense because players have to *think* at move one — I know the idea of thinking is alien to fashion slaves and their op…

Game analysis - I can't beat level 1 standard.#2

The best chess teacher ever for the inexpert player — an Australian named Cecil Purdy — distilled 400 years of chess experience into two instructions: Use inactive force. Examine all moves that threat…

Game analysis - Nice Mate in 8#8

There was an article — "The Unknown Petroff Countergambit" — in the California Chess Journal some 10 years ago about this line. That variation on the Legal theme also shows in: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. …
