
Search "user:scarpentus"

102 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Puzzles do not play the most challenging move#3

You can always get the full benefit of the puzzle by calculating everything out in advance, which I'm given to understand we're supposed to do anyway. Now if the puzzle gives you a less challenging re…

Lichess Feedback - Will Norway Chess be broadcast here this year?#2

Is there some reason you think it *wouldn't* appear there?

Lichess Feedback - How to leave another's player studio? Not created by myself?#10

Ah, it does look like "studio" is used in some languages:

Lichess Feedback - unable to Castle queen side#2

You can't castle "through check." After 12...Qxd1 13.Rxd1, the rook on d1 is preventing you from castling.

Lichess Feedback - How to leave another's player studio? Not created by myself?#2

Study, not studio. In the study you should see two tabs in the upper left for chapters and members. Find your name in the members tab and there's a little red icon for leaving the study.

Lichess Feedback - cant change email address already exausted all routes to any help#2

It wants the password for your account, the password that goes with that email. It sounds like your going through a hard time, but it's reasonable for lichess to expect you to know your account passwo…

Lichess Feedback - unrated puzzles should count#3

Why not solve rated puzzles if you care about the count? There's already a very simple distinction between caring and not caring about stats in both puzzles and games, and that is rated vs casual, but…

General Chess Discussion - Lines where black plays f6#12

Another Ruy Lopez exchange, f6 is best and only: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.O-O Bd6 6.d4 exd4 7.Qxd4 f6

Lichess Feedback - Put 1+1 on quick pairings#4

Hoo boy! Playing with no increment really gives me the vapors. :)

Lichess Feedback - Put 1+1 on quick pairings#2

I disagree. When I play my 2+1 bullet every week or two, I can't even deal with that level of bulleting.
