
Award Results?

Because of some unfortunate timing and mod involvement, the Awards Ceremony scheduled for the 25th of May has been canceled :(

However, one vote had been completed. The vote for.... Most Controversial Forums Poster.

The results for this are being counted as I speak, and the winner shall be announced promptly.

Additionally, the winner of this award will give a short speech regarding their feelings at receiving this award (or else...) Please stand by as the counting is finished.
@TPT2010 said in #2:
> @dstne so there's gonna be only one award?

Unfortunately yes. Let’s just say that I was discouraged by multiple mods from doing any more voting.
@dstne said in #3:
> Unfortunately yes. Let’s just say that I was discouraged by multiple mods from doing any more voting.
They said we could vote in one thread only?
@TPT2010 said in #4:
> They said we could vote in one thread only?

Yeah they did say that. I really don’t think it’s possible to do, so I’m just gonna end it. Additionally, I got some DM warnings from mods saying that I was spamming the forums... so I didn’t want to go the way of LSC.
@dstne said in #5:
> Yeah they did say that. I really don’t think it’s possible to do, so I’m just gonna end it. Additionally, I got some DM warnings from mods saying that I was spamming the forums... so I didn’t want to go the way of LSC.
Aight cool
Votes have been counted!!!

The winner of the most Controversial Poster by popular vote is.......

@mrpushwood with 7 points!!!

He beat second place @clousems by just one DM vote (meaning we have to get a cage fight soon). Additionally, @zurel must sell her soul to 7-11, and @lordsupremechess must start WW3 again (pineapple on pizza all the way guys ;).

Congrats @mrpushwood for being the most controversial person in the forums!!! If you would like to give a speech to the masses, please do! Your official award will be DM-ed to you within three business days.

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