
What came first, the chicken or the egg? Part 2

I don't expect anyone to chat for a few hours since it's break time. I saw through the forums and it was a mess. Didn't check all of them since there's 40.
So obviously, for me it's still the chicken. Infinite Craft proofed it.
Chicken + Chicken = Chicken Egg
Dragon + Dragon = Dragon Egg
<Comment deleted by user>
I think that the egg came first, because if there had been no egg, there would have been no chicken. Chickens are birds, and we know that birds evolved from reptiles, so we can say that the first bird hatched from an egg that was laid by a reptile that was very similar to, but not quite, a bird itself.
Cosmologically speaking
Doesn't the existence of the Cosmic Egg
Presuppose the existence
Of the Cosmic Chicken

Just wondering
The Rooster is feeling rather left out here. :). lol
@WantedAName i don’t think there will be agreement in one thing i suggest that if its possible create a poll and we can see which one is more but definitely i appreciate all the thoughts so creating a poll can be the last thing to do
its beyond my capacity to answer this question,if it helps i used to enjoy Kentucky fried chicken,maybe you guys can go somewhere with that
@Oportunist said in #7:
> its beyond my capacity to answer this question,if it helps i used to enjoy Kentucky fried chicken,maybe you guys can go somewhere with that
We fry eggs in Kentucky, too
@Oportunist said in #7:
> its beyond my capacity to answer this question,if it helps i used to enjoy Kentucky fried chicken,maybe you guys can go somewhere with that
we need a food topic for that seriously i didn’t try it but sounds delicious
Kentucky fried chicken is a special chicken dish found in kentucky,the tricky part of my comment was that you have to use eggs to cook the kentucky fried chicken,so there is something deep here,to make the dish you use the chicken and the egg

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