
Board Editor UI Feature Request: Replace piece drag-and-drop with highlight and click-place

When setting up a position on the board editor, I've noticed that I spend a lot of time dragging pieces from the piece banks on the top and bottom to the middle of the board to drop them in position. A much sleeker design would be for the user to select the piece from the bank, which would highlight it, and then be able to place multiple units of that piece type repeatedly on the chessboard without having to move the mouse back to the piece bank for each piece. This would make it a lot easier to place multiple pawns on the board, for example.

For an example of this feature, see the mobile app: "Computer" --> "New Game" --> "Position" --> "Custom Setup"

Obviously this is a trivial improvement, but perhaps it would be easy to implement. The time saved would add up.

Thanks! And thanks for continuing to make Lichess the best site for chess ever created.

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