
FIDE president caught by aliens into a space ship.

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johnstrini - How can't you see something that exist? There are doctors who can help you if you don't see something that is there.
interview with Kirsan Ilyumzhinov on Radio Freedom (Czech Republic) in 2001:

Fleming Rose: But have you taken a flight into outer space?

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: We have our own planet, and it was Ostap Bender’s idea to establish intergalactic competitions, but, speaking frankly, there is no time right now for going into outer space. I did this once already, in September or October 1997. This has already happened. But once was enough. True, it was not in our Russian space vehicles, but with aliens. They took me on a trip into outer space.

Fleming Rose: Who took you?

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: They came in a flying saucer, picked me up, and I spent a whole day in outer space.

Karen Agamirov: Have you written anything about this?

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: No, not yet. Well, I think that people would have simply taken me for a madman. When the time comes, I shall write about it.

Ilya Kolosov: Is this a publicity stunt, or are you speaking the truth?

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: The truth, of course. I think that this year my book may be published, and it is possible that I shall describe this incident there. Perhaps I was sleeping, or not sleeping. We are having a frank conversation right now. I am saying that people fly while they are dreaming, but I was flying, and was in outer space, and was describing everything, and as far as I could tell I was awake. I saw everything clearly and precisely.

Karen Agamirov: But in advance of your book coming out, can you share with us who this was?

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: It was from my apartment. They flew in and picked me up. They were wearing yellow spacesuits. I remember this moment exactly. We went off to their interplanetary ship, and I started to feel a lack of air, a lack of oxygen. They gave me a spacesuit as well. I did not have time to think that there wasn’t enough air, when one of my companions – I don’t know what to call him – one of the aliens – pointed to his chest and indicated that the oxygen supply could be regulated by turning a dial. So this is what I did. And the most interesting thing was that they appeared not to pay any attention to me. I did not understand their purpose in picking me up. That is, they did not take me on their interplanetary ship for any special purpose – they just showed it to me. The ship was absolutely enormous. One of its chambers was the size of a large football pitch. There was lighting. We landed on one of the planets and picked up some piece of equipment. And they told me everything in detail, the ones who transported me explained things, either the captain of the ship or someone else. I remember that I asked them to take me back to Earth as quickly as possible. Why? Because in two days I had to conduct Youth Government Week, and I repeated this request several times. And then they brought me back, and everything was normal again.

Fleming Rose: In what year was this?

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: It was in 1997, at the end of September.

Karen Agamirov: And who were these aliens? What did they look like?

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: Well, like people, that’s what they looked like.

Karen Agamirov: Healthy, about two metres tall, as they are often described.

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: Not quite. Please don’t take me for a schizophrenic. I am just saying that I saw them. Normally, as it is with us right now – that’s how I saw them. I then I described what I saw. My two assistants noticed this – they said, “Where did you disappear to?” It was in the evening. My body went away and then came back. But I have described everything, and my two assistants had taken note of my absence.

Karen Agamirov: There is actually nothing all that strange here. You are not alone in this, and you are not the first one to make such a report. Did they leave you any parting words? Did they program you for anything further?

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: No – nothing. I did not understand, and a few days later I was walking along, thinking: why did they take me? And I was cursing myself for not asking them any questions ... But it is possible that it is still not the time for us to meet these extraterrestrial civilizations. By the way, in my book I deal with the question of whether it is necessary for us to meet them, and I consider that it is not necessary. On the moral plane, we have not yet arrived at a level where we can meet these civilizations, these visitors.’
Hearing this Kirsan has been a corrupt Russian leader as president of the Republic of Kalmykia and that he donated a lot of his private fortune to FIDE I get the impression FIDE has recruited some kind of mafia boss as leader just because he sponsor them with lots of money.

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