
Corona Fehlalarm?

Am 25. März 2020 beschloss der Bundestag, dass wir eine "epidemische Lage nationaler Tragweite" hätten.
Prof. Karina Reiss und Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi schrieben gemeinsam das Buch 'Corona Fehlalarm?'.
in diesem Video gibt es eine sehr gute Zusammenfassung eines Teil des Buches. Ein Vortrag der zum Nachdenken anregt ,
und manchmal sogar zum Lachen verleitet.
Please not again you, @kettwiesel .

Mods, please close and delete this.

This is embarrasing for Germany.
You like censorship?
Do you like it only if someone has another opinion than you?
Look @kettwiesel there is a difference between you sharing your personal opinion or you spreading videos that have only one purpose: to split society. Not to make you think. This is the same doctor as in the previous 100 youtube videos. I start to wonder why they found so few doctors to go in front of the camera and repeat what he says.

So you have the right to share your opinion! But maybe do it instead of posting a video. And in english. Just let us know YOUR opinion that hopefully is based on more than one video on youtube which isn't a reliable source. In case you only want to create controversy by posting random videos I would consider that dangerous spam too.
To ask for not spreading lies is no censorship. There is a difference between an opinion, b.e. if exist a soul, or a knowingly wrong information about the problems with the CoViD19 disease.
You‘re not allowed to tell lies on lichess. (They deleted your last post btw.)

Thousands of people died because of Corona and you just said it didn‘t exist?? Those „Querdenker“s didn‘t wear masks, they were close to each other. Other people could die because of YOU.
Can you please provide an example for a "knowingly wrong information"?

The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views.
That gives people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate. - Noam Chomsky
Definitly fehlalarm!

Unfortunately video in German...

I speak very little German:
Wenn du leben willst, sag mir, wo sich die raketenbasis befindet!
It's all...
Modern technology allows virtually instant communication ..modern medicine gives far improved treatments than in earlier history of pandemics...the nay-sayers are attempting to use the fast containment of this current pandemic to prove that it is not a pandemic.That is the same as saying "I fixed my car brakes and did not have a crash due to bad brakes therefor bad car brakes is not dangerous".
And make no was rapidly contained.It will not just go away when the warm weather arrives.I don't know what is in that video,but I can make a shrewd guess judging by the reactions to it.
Feel free to cough and sneeze all over everyone..but don't do it to me.I kid you not.
And all you civil liberties freaks out you agree that a person is entitled to sneeze a deadly disease onto you because they were exercising their right to not give a damn about anyone else's safety?

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