
How to print the moves notation inside scroll bar

Hi, Everyone in chessfriends when you print a game position a good part of moves inside scrolls also get printed but in lichess you even can't copy and paste it . It's just a few days on lichess and I like it as the best chess site . Can this issue be fixed . to archive my games i use to take a print out and want to print the moves inside scrolls
On the analysis page of the game, click the "FEN & PGN" tab at the bottom, then copy and paste that text or use the print-friendly pdf.

All your games can be exported from your profile, the top-right button.
Wow ! Amazing thank you very much I just can't believe how beautiful and technically incredible this website is . I do the operation as you told and found a very nice print in pdf there thank you very much . And thanks to the creators of lichess

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