
Feature request: preference for minimum Game Completion rate for game matching

Idea: allow me to set a preference for what's the minimum Game Completion Rate for my matched opponent. In my case I don't want to play against anyone with a Game Completion Rate below 80%. It's annoying to me to sit there and watch my clock run down, that's not what I'm here for, I'm here to play chess.

Motivation: I just played against someone with a 60% Game Completion rate. I know there are temporary bans placed against such players, but apparently it isn't enough to stop them from doing it. This particular player has >1000 games played! So when this player is losing, they just ragequit. In 400 games players were forced to sit and watch their clock run down.

So it's fine, ragequitters can enjoy Lichess, but I don't want to play with them. And with this proposal, nobody will have to.

Extra idea: by default, a player's threshold could be set to their own Game Completion Rate - 10%. So if my Game Completion Rate is 98%, then my threshold is by default 88% unless I set it to something else. That way, ragequitters will tend to play against other ragequitters. Matching will take slightly longer, but the overall game experience will be better for people.

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