
Search "user:emm1366"

32 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Tournaments for different rating levels#16

I love the idea

Lichess Feedback - New tournament #1

When creating a new tournament you should be able to limit the players Elo just writing the numbers.

Lichess Feedback - Rated game rooms#1

I still insist that there should be several game rooms according to our rating. It is discouraging to lose against very strong players when you are doing well in the tournament and also the first plac…

General Chess Discussion - Gracias

Sí! Pero si no hacen torneos por categoría esto seguirá siendo una masacre!

General Chess Discussion - Handicap Tournaments#6

I prefer tournaments by categories. Players with 2000 or more are going to defeat us ALWAYS!

General Chess Discussion - Who wants an option all the player's raiting to be hidden during tournaments?#6

I think there should be category tournaments too, challenges within 100 point difference instead of hidding a "MONSTER".

Lichess Feedback - Rated tournaments#1

When creating a new tournament we should be allowed to fix the rating range of the players. As an example: Kasparov Arena 5+2 Range 1600-1700 (Or any) Thank you.

General Chess Discussion - Private check box#1

When creating a new tournament was is the use of the private check box?

General Chess Discussion - Banning players#3

I mean, what´s the point to play against a 2400 rated player? That guy should be banned (Kidding). There should be a way to avoid playing with them. At least people like me won´t be able to defeat him…

General Chess Discussion - Banning players#1

Hi all. If I block a player this means that I will not be matched to play with him in future tournaments?
