
Search "user:rr2048"

31 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Seeking three players who'd like a free Chess Skill Report#4

Dsjoerg, already send you from, will be interesting to take part and look on my skill report. Agree, it would be interesting to investigate blunders by rates, and especially, on which r…

General Chess Discussion - Seeking three players who'd like a free Chess Skill Report#2

Sounds very interesting! Guess, that the most problem of 1200-1800 players, and me too, is blunders, interesting, will Ninth Pawn confirm or refute this and what can recommend

General Chess Discussion - Loose Pieces drop off! How to stop blundering#16

I think it is hard, always play on your 100%, when you know, that you opponent is weak. 200 points differense means that weaker player can win near 3 games of 10, vs strongest. Just a bit relax - and …

General Chess Discussion - Opening puzzle. Could someone explain it to me?#7

Also this position is look like queen's gambit; It is very common,i meet this several time every week:) Queen fork is typicall metod there. Stockfish 8 is extremly strong in every tactic, but his stra…

General Chess Discussion - Opening puzzle. Could someone explain it to me?#5

May be, this queen fork isnt best way to eliminate this black pawn, but this pawn will be destroyed in some next movies anyway, because there are no way to protect it. Stockfish 8 just not enough stro…

General Chess Discussion - Opening puzzle. Could someone explain it to me?#4

"Loose Pieces drop off!" - GM Dr. John Nunn

General Chess Discussion - Opening puzzle. Could someone explain it to me?#3

*black pawn i mean

General Chess Discussion - Opening puzzle. Could someone explain it to me?#2

White pawn will be unprotected after that capture, and may be forked with king, by white queen.

General Chess Discussion - Loose Pieces drop off! How to stop blundering#11

Buzzinsky, I am working on this. Turn switcher will be ready in next 1-2 days, with some other features like reading position from pgn, fen, or playing it from start sides.

General Chess Discussion - Loose Pieces drop off! How to stop blundering#3

faidonp, I created that tool just few days ago, so spotting a specific turn of game just not ready, but i will add this feature very soon. Currently it display last game position; So now you can start…
