
Search "user:Puzzleandlearning"

128 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Can somebody help me find who played the black pieces in this game against Paul Morphy with white?#3

@CzBall666 said in #2: > I believe this is the game: It is is you're the best thanks!

General Chess Discussion - Can somebody help me find who played the black pieces in this game against Paul Morphy with white?#1 So the other day I saw this briliant game by Paul Morphy in a Ben Findgold lecture ( youtube[dot]com/watch?v=CbRkqqawcTo ). I just can't find out where it h…

Game analysis - A game with a real endgame#8

@X_Player_J_X said in #2: > The Opening your playing is one of the Best Chess Opening in All of Chess History! > It is known as the Spanish Game. > > The Chess Lines popularity grew in the 1560’s beca…

General Chess Discussion - Why are 800-1000 players here five times harder to beat than 1200-1400?#27

@deityrox said in #8: > I want to help skeptics who are not inclined to trust players with a low rating, and save them time. I did some research using statistics from the author's profile. > > I went …

General Chess Discussion - Why is the Bowdler Attack the 2nd most popular response to the Sicilian Defense?#17

@Rookitiki said in #15: > dont really play it anymore. when i used to i sac equity to avoid the pain of rerouting the knight later on. What do you mean

General Chess Discussion - Why is the Bowdler Attack the 2nd most popular response to the Sicilian Defense?#16

@MrPushwood said in #9: > Not sure why it "bothers" you to have people playing some crappy line against you...unless of course you're not doing as well against it as you could be. ;) It does not bothe…

General Chess Discussion - If your goal is to get to 1900 FIDE and you absolutely hate openings how would you approach it?#30

@X_Player_J_X said in #23: > Prepare yourself for the countless hours of Opening Studying. > Lock yourself in a room for total isolation and focus. > > Make sure to have a beverage to stay hydrated. >…

General Chess Discussion - If your goal is to get to 1900 FIDE and you absolutely hate openings how would you approach it?#21

@SycoraxCirce said in #18: > Remember you're only as good as your worst move. WOW thats great!

General Chess Discussion - If your goal is to get to 1900 FIDE and you absolutely hate openings how would you approach it?#20

@SoySausage said in #1: > If a person's only goal was to get to 1900 FIDE OTB (no desire to get higher than that) and they would rather quite chess than spend much time studying openings, but willing …

General Chess Discussion - Why is the Bowdler Attack the 2nd most popular response to the Sicilian Defense?#4

@AsDaGo said in #3: > Hmmm would make sense
