
Search "user:Testrider"

236 forum posts
Game analysis - Horde inspired game#2

I meant pawn power of course! For those not familiar with horde: it is a variant where black has a normal starting position and white has a LOT of pawns. Whites strategy is around pushing forward and …

Game analysis - Horde inspired game#1

I played the horde variant a while back and during a few moments in this regular game I suddenly felt inspired by it! Pain power!

Lichess Feedback - Return to an anonymous game?#1

I wondered if it is possible to return to an anonymous game. So far I never succeeded, which made me wonder: 1. Is it possible at all 2. Couldn't the wait be (much) shorter before letting someone clai…

Game analysis - Have you ever seen something like this?#2

if by 'this idea' you mean threaten a capture (hxg3 threatens gxh2) which forces the king to go into a place it will get forked OR allows the pawn to promote Then I can't think of having seen anything…

Game analysis - Had to unlock my opponents king ,so as not to stalemate#10

Nice win, actually it took me a while to find a somewhat realistic stalemate in 1 so if anyone else is wondering I think 62. Qde7 (stalemate) could have seen the board if the winning side is not alert.

Community Blog Discussions - Are you good at resigning?#22

Suggesting it is best for your score to never resign is a common misconception. I used to believe this but (for humans) it only is true if your game is effectively the last one you will ever play. 1. …

Lichess Feedback - Ben visual improvement#4

@TotalNoob69 Thanks. The strenge thing is that I already saw it available somewhere (perhaps on desktop, or in the Mobile app which is just a tad less nice) so it should be very feasible but the lack …

Lichess Feedback - Ben visual improvement#2

And perhaps the ability to change forum thread titles if they are a bit vague -.-

Lichess Feedback - Ben visual improvement#1

It was just announced you can change the colors of the board. Great, can we now also get the very functionally beneficial mprovement of putting the clock on the left side for mobile web players? The f…

Game analysis - I resigned before move 20. I was doing just fine :(#5

Of course your position is not great, but assuming you overlooked 'moving my N covers the c4 square' then I probably would have just gone for something simple and a bit aggressive like hxg6. If black …
