
Why does "Tilt" happen?

Is it that the computer matches you against a bunch of opponents in a row that it knows will beat your style of play? Or is it just a form of temporary mental retardation? I was rated over 1950 two days ago, and I just went on a 18 match losing streak and am now below 1800 again. And the people beating me are rated below me for the most part. I had 5 straight wins against opponents rated 2000+ only three days ago and today, I just lost to my 4th consecutive person rated below 1750.

Is this an algorithm thing or is it just me sucking all of a sudden for no reason?
Tilt is normal. When you lose multiple times, you get tilted. It's because of the consntant exposure to anger hormones and dopamine always leading your decision that "maybe you'll win the next one", but you got already tilted so you tilt even more and you play a lot worse.
@wasteoftime11 When you get better at Chess you Tilt less often but you still "Tilt" So STUDY CHESS . It's NOT for no reason anyone can stay near their top form It's because at some point we all get better at Chess at a slower rate . If you want to get back to near your highs & make NEW HIGHS you have to STUDY CHESS & don't waste time @wasteoftime11
It seems to me that, in fast games, players are often guessing what to do. Guesses can become more reckless due to various emotional factors.