
do you think aliens exist?

I mean there must be right? there are so many possible planets that they could live on, it would be absurd to think otherwise. what do you think
Just sit in the Wal-mart parking lot and watch them come and go. It’ll make you a believer.
Let me preface this with I do love science... hahaha ;-P

Because I am about to take the unpopular answer... I think we are the only planet with life as we know it... Like if we are thinking as aliens as human-like and able to communicate like us... The earth is positioned with such precision to the sun... too close we boil, too far we freeze... the likelihood of that happening in other places in the universe seem small to me... Maybe is seems likely because there are so many galaxies... But like I said, the amount of things which needed to be aligned just right to support life is actually mind-boggling to calculate....
Of course they exists.
Who else could possibly have built the Great Pyramid of Egypt?
A long forgotten ancient civilization with advance technology? Yeah right, that's just foolish.
Surely it was the aliens.

Humans have never been able to stack one stone on top of another stone. This requires hi-tech knowledge.

Sarcasm aside, surely life in one shape or another is possible outside of our planet. (I assume this was what you were referring to)
But unless you are referring to, at best, bacteria within our own solar system, then I doubt we will ever know.
@morphyms1817 said in #2:
> I would not rule it out.

But actually, according to another recent forum "I am FROM Mars." We have already answered the topic of this forum, right?

> do you think aliens exist?

Yes, without a doubt!
I saw for myself how incredibly hard, dangerous and unpredictable Ripley's heroic fight against the aliens on the space transporter Nostromo was.
thank you guys! I received the answer I hoped for! I can't believe there are people who think there is no possible life form except for earth ones

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