
do you think aliens exist?

@Edo_Cribbio said in #1:
> I mean there must be right? there are so many possible planets that they could live on, it would be absurd to think otherwise. what do you think
"You are questioning my existence?! How dare you! makes me depressed when people question my existence... And thanks to you now I myself am questioning my existence"
@Edo_Cribbio said in #1:
> I mean there must be right? there are so many possible planets that they could live on, it would be absurd to think otherwise. what do you think

I Don't Think Aliens Exist.
Universe full of creatures, entity, from another realm, dimension...y not
@Edo_Cribbio said in #1:
> I mean there must be right? there are so many possible planets that they could live on, it would be absurd to think otherwise. what do you think
First tell me, do scientists exists???
I think so, but since we haven't seen any radio signals at all, they live very, vary far away.

I guess either intelligent life usually destroys theselves when they get to a tech level where they can send out signals, or it is very, very rare. After all, only 1 species on Earth ever developed intelligence, so we could even be a fluke.

It could be that life in the form of bacteria, sponges, plants etc is super common.
the wikipedia page for proxima centauri b has some interesting thoughts on building an atmosphere and radiation too.

@ Raspberry_yoghurt explained why its highly unlikely that Proxima Centauri b inhabits species with human level technology - OR they could be not interested in 8½ years correspondence and waiting for an answer. As for Gliese 667Cc it would already mean at least 44y of waiting for an answer.

>On November 16th, 1974, the Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico sent out the strongest signal ever sent into space. The broadcast's goal was to showcase humanity's technical advancement. Renowned SETI researcher Frank Drake and famous scientific communicator Carl Sagan created it.

>The message was aimed at the current location of M13, about 25,000 light years from Earth

if you look at the picture we sent into space in the it becomes clear why aliens might not want to talk to us :D
@Rookitiki said in #37:
> @ Raspberry_yoghurt explained why its highly unlikely that Proxima Centauri b inhabits species with human level technology - OR they could be not interested in 8½ years correspondence and waiting for an answer. As for Gliese 667Cc it would already mean at least 44y of waiting for an answer.

I think if they were advanced, we'd pick up signals from them even if they didn't try to signal us. I'm pretty sure a lot of radio signalling goes off into space even if you're aiming on a location on your own planet.

Also if you signal to space probes for instance.

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