
I dont understand what

@MrPushwood said in #3:
> That's because I'm aiming right over your head.

Quite nice to have someone not threatening to kill!

@Tenakel said in #8:
> Now we finally know MPW's second account. Thanks for coming out.

It's not even about understanding all of his content, to me it's sometimes just soothing that he is there with me. Whereever I go, he's (already) there.
At this point, thanks for being here @MrPushwood <3
@airfloo said in #13:
> Whereever I go, he's (already) there.

It is exactly like that!
There really is no better way to describe it.
I followed him a while ago. I've gotten used to my feed being filled with his posts.

I hadn't considered lichess a comedy website before...
@itsLani said in #15:
> I followed him a while ago.

This was probably one of your biggest mistakes, costing you at least two extra hours of work every day.
@Tenakel said in #17:
> This was probably one of your biggest mistakes, costing you at least two extra hours of work every day.
I followed NPW but I don't think he followed me back
@e_x said in #16:
> fun fact Mr Pushwoods has over 17k forum posts

This must either be a counting error or lichess has installed an extra server exclusively for his posts.
#5 -"the humour in MrPushwood's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," - I was thinking, he is quoting Rick Sanchez ...ya know Morty's Grand Pa - :]

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