
Why do people like the Najdorf Sicilian?

I really like playing the English attack with white and black. Especially the line in the Na5 Nc6 Nxe7 variation where white gets the two bishops. Personally the counterplay black can generate is enough for the bishop pair and it makes for some really exiting middlegames where as both sides you have to be precise. If you know my playstyle you will realize I don't really like sharp aggressive chess but this seems to be a nice change.

I know very little in the Bg5 stuff and being a primarily 1. d4 player. And I hardly ever play the Sicilian with black. To play it with black fulltime requires much more theoretical knowledge than I have but I am considering booking up on it.
I prefer the Schevenigan because that's how Kasparov rolls.
There are some pretty scary lines where white goes for f3 and then push the g&f pawns. Sometimes f4 before you even have the chance of playing e5 or e6.

One of the main things for me has to be to stay level-headed. You can often launch an equally strong attack on the queen side(which is often where white castles, especially in bg5/be3 lines).

Game 8 in my study, for example,
Game 6 is a great example of how not to do it, as black.

The overarching themes are 1) the d5 square.
Since white castles queen side and often preface that with Qd2, white gets an easily set up barrage on the d file, which is something you need to plan for. Nbd7 for example is a common move(basically never play Nbc6!) so that if white goes Bg5 and decides to cap the knight, then you can recapture with your other knight and your DSB won't have to leave the defence of the d6 pawn. Nbd7 is also handy since you can, if given the opportunity, play Nc6, adding another piece to the battle over d5.

Also, the reason for never playing Nbc7 is to leave that file open for the rook.

If white ever goes for a trade(say after b5-b4 white goes Nd5) and you recapture, which you should) and plays exd5 instead of Qxd5, then you can breath out. White has given up basically all the pressure and you can focus on your queen side minority attack.

2) The d6-d5 break. If you get a successful b-pawn push and force the c3 knight away, then white loses control over d5 and defence of e4. If you can trade your d pawn for white's e pawn, you're in a great position. A strong minority attack on the queen side, one extra center pawn and still a strong pawn formation in front of the king, given that you castle(which surprisingly often isn't what you should do). Never play f6, btw.

Check out the other games in the study. I'll be adding more with commentary etc once winter exams are over. Got at least 20 more to add with various systems and variations. It'a really exciting defence to play and at least I have become a better player from simply trying to understand its features and themes. Some reoccur in other Sicilians, too. - Game is 8 is a great example, but the other games are neat, too.
Want to add that the Najdorf is often a very positional opening.
The most common lines are Be3(English attack) and Be2(Karpov System) in response to h6. They are both pretty regular and not something ultra sharp, at least not usually. Always look out for the king side pawn push though. Moves like h5 might feel strange to play, but you have such a strong pawn structure in front of your king(often 4-5 pawns) so h5 isn't as weakening as one might think. Also you'll more often than not be playing with 2 pawn islands instead of white's 3 or sometimes even 4.

The English Attack is not sharp?
Correct me if Im wrong but the mainline involves a pseudo sacrifice by White on move 16, and if Black wants to he can even make things messier with 10...a5 instead of 10...Nbd7.
Well yeah it's sharp. But it's not spectacularly so, I'd say. Black's attack in the center and on the queen side is often quick enough to stop white's attack on the king side.
play taimonov sicilian it is much better, once you play d5 you have a better position. I played najdorf sicilian was i was younger but it is bad you need to be really really good to get all the concepts, and brute force your way out of mate.

I have crushed najdorfs with a simple rule: have the h file under control then you will mate them

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