
The Master Plan

@LordSupremeChess said in #394:
u wait...?
like the space time continuum wont collapse because she wasntn here today... also theres a crazy thing called instagram... you should invest in it...
I dont know why its so hard for u socially anxious people to ask a girl/boy/enby out
this "master plan" aint going to well, innit?
@Zurel said in #396:
> u wait...?
> like the space time continuum wont collapse because she wasntn here today... also theres a crazy thing called instagram... you should invest in it...
I have less than two weeks to find out what classes she may have next year
@LordSupremeChess said in #399:
> I have less than two weeks to find out what classes she may have next year
there is a crazy thing called summer
hang out wit her.

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