Faire un don

Coaches sur Lichess

IM Goodwilll Lichess coach picture

IM Boris Onoprijchuk

I will teach you how to find simple solutions in complex positions!

LocalisationSaratov Russia
LanguesEnglish (US), русский язык
ClassementFIDE: 23852440249425622429
Tarif horaire20$ per hour
FM Evgenyermolaev Lichess coach picture

FM Evgeny Ermolaev

Professional chess player and know what is nesessary for that

LocalisationMoscow Russia
Languesрусский язык, English (US)
ClassementFIDE: 230425372442
Tarif horaire20$, playing training games without analysis 10$, with analysis 15$
FM Al_Shima Lichess coach picture

FM Oleksandr Shymanskyi

I can work with anyone, I have fun and interesting lessons))) я можу працювати з будь-ким, уроки провожу весело и нтересно!)

LocalisationChicago Ukraine
Languesрусский язык, українська, English (US)
ClassementFIDE: 23492704245923942402
Tarif horaire30$
GM AndrewHoma Lichess coach picture

GM Andrey Drygalov

Никогда не поздно установить новую цель.

LocalisationMoscow Russia
Languesрусский язык
ClassementFIDE: 2475307726832648
Tarif horaire2500 руб
NM CoachFede Lichess coach picture

NM Federico Zuttioni

"Limits, like fears, are often just an illusion." Michael Jordan

LocalisationTaipei Taiwan
LanguesEnglish (US), Italiano, 中文
ClassementFIDE: 216924622508
Tarif horaireReasonable, depending on the assignment.
WGM pratyusha_chess Lichess coach picture

WGM Pratyusha bodda

Never give up!

Localisationandhrapradesh India
LanguesEnglish (US)
ClassementFIDE: 23281946
Tarif horaire30$
FM kassisov Lichess coach picture

FM Antoine Kassis

“Every chess master was once a beginner.”

LocalisationBeirut Lebanon
LanguesFrançais, العربية, English (US)
ClassementFIDE: 2205246928011704
Tarif horaire20$
FM charlytb Lichess coach picture

FM Carlos Salgado Allaria

Aprende o mejora tu ajedrez de forma fácil y divertida

LocalisationBlanes, Platja d'Aro Spain
LanguesEspañol, Català, valencià
ClassementFIDE: 2237
Tarif horaire20€/hora. 60€/mes (1 hora por semana)
WCM RaMari Lichess coach picture

WCM Rachelle-Mari Voges

Learn To Play Chess and Enjoy the Benefits of this "Board Game"

Localisation South Africa
LanguesEnglish (US)
Tarif horaireContact me for rates and bulk booking discounts
NM MasterChessDojo Lichess coach picture

NM John MacArthur

Teaching since 1984, National Master since 1989, Trainer since 2001, FIDE Trainer since 2016 - Strength in Understanding and Ability

LocalisationUSA Norway
LanguesEnglish (US)
Tarif horaire$180 per training session - not at all limited to 90 minutes usually much longer. Be prepared to work out!