
Prussian Flag

If the Prussian flag was added, then lichess would have to deal with people asking for every historical state. Much as I’d like to have the incredibly badass flag for the Kingdom of Two Sicilies, I don’t think it’s necessary. After all, Prussia, for all intents and purposes, ceased to exist as an autonomous entity over a century ago. Not too many lichess users were around back then.
War's , nationality , race , geography , genetics , generations doesn't matter over Prussia's flag getting added. When Prussia never exist now , what's the necessity to add it ? The flag represents your nationality not your grandparents.
@chummer said in #16:
> Since Prussia isn't a country, and most people who identify as Prussian today tend to be Reichsbuerger extremist assholes, why open that can of worms? It's not a country - it's a lifestyle, and a toxic one at that.

I completely support that notion. A lot of the Reichsbürger people refer explicitely to Prussia. There are websites where they claim to be not only prussians but also the rightful successors of the last Reichsregierung, thus ignoring the will of the german people who expressed this will by means of democratic elections since 1949. Those guys are deeply antidemocratic. I see no reason whatsoever why to make their symbol publicly available.

If someone is proud of his prussian descent - fine. Celebrate that in private or on your own website. But not in a global community with a symbol of a long gone state that now is in use by antidemocratic forces.

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