
Why politics on Lichess?

@NoJoke waht would happen if greta writes an e mail to trump "mister trump, HOW DARE YOU??"
I don't have a problem with lichess supporting drawing attention to climate change, etc. I think that, as this is really Thibault's site, he has the right to link to other sites, just as we have the option to not use the site, if it makes us that upset. Whatever content he places on this site, be it via external links or not, is allowed to him by his control of the site. So generally, I am not opposed to this.

However, I do have a problem with lichess specifically supporting a cause that will cause economic harm (non-violent protests create negative externalities that hurt local businesses) to cities with a loosely defined objective of saving the environment. While I can appreciate the fact that they are trying to do something helpful, the fact that this organization is intentionally causing economic harm to the area in which I live is less than ideal, especially considering that the demands (that site really needs to get some new PR, unless they are going for the whole "hostage taker" vibe) are either highly improbable to be achieved, or loosely defined.

I am sure that this will be overlooked by everyone in their outrage/ counteroutrage, but this is my long-winded opinion on the matter. And yes, I do have a background in Economics.
The trick to troling successfully is to stop before it gets too obvious. You just overstepped that mark. For a second there you had me fooled.

You ignored my original point and started talking about something else.

If I refute what you say now, you'll just move on to a third topic. In my experience its best to not engage with such people.

That wiki article is pretty good you should read it.

"Soviet propagandists during the cold war were trained in a tactic that their western interlocutors nicknamed 'whataboutism'. Any criticism of the Soviet Union (Afghanistan, martial law in Poland, imprisonment of dissidents, censorship) was met with a 'What about...' (apartheid South Africa, jailed trade-unionists, the Contras in Nicaragua, and so forth)."[7][8][9] The technique functions as a diversionary tactic to distract the opponent from their original criticism."
No, the dude above you. I was too slow to post and your post sneaked it's way past me :)
no, i am not trolling (if you speak to me). the reason not to write e mails is: normaly there is no answer. this is all. the people who don't wont politics on lichess have them the right to discuss is here or not? lichess = libre chess (aussi moi je parle le francais parceche j'ai habité en france) it has so to a little bit with freedom i thought. just saying " you are trolling" or "this is whataboutisme) is realy no argument. i come here to lichess very often because i hate politics (i read everyday for hours about politics) enough is enough. grüße

to @NoJoke
I agree with js86 first post, i come here to play chess, dont care about anything else on this website, science, politics, you name it...
Some people here are acting like it's one of those giant pop-up ads that appear for 30 seconds until you can close it. It's a tiny banner in the corner ffs. Just click on the tiny "x" and you can continue to ignore climate change.

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