
Convert me

@dstne said in #50:
> Dang this devolved pretty badly.
He said in an other topic he don't care about one die in 5 mins because he was bullied at young age.... if you knew what I endured than the least insult mostly my mom is for me a pick up> I'm sorry.
How would you react?
@pinchpinpong said in #51:
> He said in an other topic he don't care about one die in 5 mins because he was bullied at young age.... if you knew what I endured than the least insult mostly my mom is for me a pick up> I'm sorry.
> How would you react?

Maybe I just think that stuff got bad becuase I can't understand what anyone is saying. That's probably just a me problem though.
@dstne said in #6:
(No, it’s the opposite. You can be free from any kind of worry about the afterlife because you know that God has nothing against you. If you lie to your mom, God doesn’t like it, but if you repent of it (that is to ask for forgiveness and turn from your sin), then God forgives, and you don’t have to worry about it. Everything you have ever done wrong has already been taken care of by Jesus.)

“In the Bible, John 3:17 states that God did not send His Son into the world to condemn it, but rather to save it through Him. This means that if you have accepted Jesus into your heart, you are forgiven of all your sins. Even if you sin afterward, you can still turn to God for forgiveness.” John 3:17 is a peaceful reminder that Jesus came to save people, not to condemn them. It emphasizes God’s desire for salvation rather than judgment. According to the Bible, God doesn’t want to see anyone destroyed. So, accepting Jesus brings forgiveness, and even if we stumble, we can seek reconciliation with God.
I think it is best to get back to topic wether mods after I reported him don't act, so be it.
God is in what you believe.<period>
@theodorecalexico said in #4:
> thank you but is your whole life about heavan and hell? like do you live in fear cos if you lie to your mom then u go to hell and suffer?
(sorry to but into the conversation but) the answer would be no. as Christians, we believe that Jesus died on the cross to eliminate our sins. so all we have to do is ask God for forgiveness of sins, as 1 John 1:9 states: if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
I'm happy you believe in it and find reconciliation in whatever you believe, that was my whole point. Only I dared to say my opinion..
@pinchpinpong said in #54:
> I think it is best to get back to topic wether mods after I reported him don't act, so be it.
> God is in what you believe.<period>

If I believed that a garbage can is god, does god become one? Because, if that is the case, then I would actually be god. This is why post modernism doesn’t work.
@Cedur216 said in #11:
> All religions are wrong. Your personal ethics matter. For religious fanatics, these are commonly pretty bad.
so basically, the world spawned from nothing without a supernatural force to act. makes perfect sense to me. i wonder why we dont see this happen today?
@dstne said in #58:
> If I believed that a garbage can is god, does god become one? Because, if that is the case, then I would actually be god. This is why post modernism doesn’t work.

It is not that garbage can you believe in that interest me, rather why you choose that garbage can as creator of life and universe etc as they say the divine.

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