
Best traps in the opening

2 • maydum •
  1. Chapter 1: the fork
  2. Chapter 2: the opening advantage
  3. Chapter 3: trapping the rook
  4. Chapter 4: 4 move checkmate
  1. ExiaXslam
  2. maydum
  3. slowthunk

maydum's Study

1 • maydum •
  1. Stockfish (Computer) - Crafty (Computer)
  1. maydum

Game study

1 • maydum •
  1. Abdulmageed - maydum
  1. maydum

Atomic Rules, traps, openings, and more!

1 • maydum •
  1. Rule #1
  2. Rule #2
  3. Rule #3
  4. Learning about the opening
  1. maydum
  2. slowthunk

Checkmates in 2

2 • maydum •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. maydum