
Search "user:ThePushingPawn"

11 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Lichess and Russian Aggreesion#73

@sausage4mash said in #72: > ok i think maybe you're hard of thinking , I will put it like i'm writing to a 5yr old : > > let's imagine you and your friends are playing a game of hide and seek. Now, i…

Off-Topic Discussion - Lichess and Russian Aggreesion#71

@sausage4mash said in #59: > Hey @ThePushingPawn, on seeing our reply . Gotta say, it's like watching a kitten play with a laser pointer. Quite endearing, really. > > Now, on to the meat of the matter…

Off-Topic Discussion - Lichess and Russian Aggreesion#58

@sausage4mash said in #57: > chat gpt4 what do you make of this nonsense ? > > This passage presents several arguments, and each of them has potential issues that might make them not fully sound or co…

Off-Topic Discussion - Lichess and Russian Aggreesion#30

@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #28: > I was right about what I wrote and many countries are threatened. Not just Denmark off course, the baltic countries Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia are getting threatened …

Off-Topic Discussion - Lichess and Russian Aggreesion#29

Well, isn't Ukraine doing the same bombing in Russia with their supply of weapons given to them by an alliance of 31 countries? Suppression is suppression. What I mean is that all the media is decidin…

Off-Topic Discussion - Lichess and Russian Aggreesion#24

I'm going to make some points that might be controversial here (just a disclaimer) It's quite hypocritical to censor the Russian flag. Ukraine supporters might say that Russia is suppressing Ukraine's…

Off-Topic Discussion - Favorite FNaF Song?#1

What's yours? Mine is either Left Behind or Just Gold

Off-Topic Discussion - Pi. this is all I remember from it: 3.141529#26

@NeatPinkWave said in #25: > Pie is food Ok? Not math. I have no idea why everyone is putting a lot of numbers. Pi not pie. Search up "pi" (NO "e")

Off-Topic Discussion - Pi. this is all I remember from it: 3.141529#21

@AaryanSumra said in #20: > The are letters/alphabet .... fine 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628 blah blah blah

Off-Topic Discussion - Pi. this is all I remember from it: 3.141529#19

I know all the digits of pi: Pi
